Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 14. Juni – 25. August 2019 Conspiracy theories and esoteric utopias are very much en vogue and are shaping current debates. In her art, Karin Ferrari is a witty and ironic […]

Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 14. Juni – 25. August 2019 Conspiracy theories and esoteric utopias are very much en vogue and are shaping current debates. In her art, Karin Ferrari is a witty and ironic […]
Das Letzte im Leben. Eine Ausstellung zu Sterben und Trauer 1765–2015 Hofburg Innsbruck, 6.06.2015–10.01.2016 Curated by: Brigitte Felderer, co-curator Rosanna Dematté Head of coordination: Gabriele Rath, Rath & Winkler, Projekte für Museum und Bildung Bild: Haruko Maeda, […]
17.06. – 21.08.2011 Hofburg Innsbuck – Barockkeller Lucilla Catania Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio Rainer Ganahl Morto da Goffezza Michaela Niederkircher Cloti Ricciardi Heidrun Sandbichler Curatrice: Rosanna Dematté La sala espositiva nella cantina barocca del […]